Christmas in the Trenches, the True Story

A Christmas Truce at the World War I Front Editor’s Note: This article was published in The Remnant in 2006 after having first appeared on the Your Guide to 20th Century History website. It… See more at

Christmas in prison? What it’s like to celebrate behind bars

null / FreeBirdPhotos / Shutterstock. Denver Newsroom, Dec 24, 2021 / 12:00 pm (CNA). Prison is probably the last place people think of when they think about the holidays. Yet Christmas behind bars is a reality this year for more than 2 million Americans.  And across the country, prison chaplains will do their best to […]

The delights of a Scottish Christmas include sheep, cheer, and good company

I am looking forward to so many good things—cooking Christmas Eve supper, baking the Christmas morning bun, assembling the Christmas dinner trifle, opening the presents, seeing our friends, admiring the sheep—that the shocks and horrors of recent weeks have receded into the background. Read More