Orthodox observe Christmas amid virus concerns (AP)
Many Eastern Christians, in accord with the Julian calendar, observe Christmas on January 7. Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Porfirije called for “respect of reasonable measures and recommendations of governments and other authorities in the states and regions in which our people live,” as well as “for respect of human freedom as the highest and most valuable […]
40 years after the first alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, an Italian journalist has published a Vatican report concluding that no certified miracles have ever taken place in the famous sanctuary in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read More >> (Source: FSSPX News)
The Anglican Use: A Better Novus Ordo?
The Tridentine Mass is one of the most beautiful things the Church has at her disposal. For centuries it has been, and remains, the most effective weapon in her arsenal. Ever since I converted in 2017, I’ve admired it from afar, often by watching YouTube videos and reading articles, unable to attend a Tridentine Mass […]
Our Shared Affirmations
The woke revolution can seem unstoppable. I have friends who must self-censor in their workplaces, taking care not to run afoul of the inclusion agenda that excludes anyone expressing the slightest dissent, and the diversity agenda that requires everyone to parrot the same slogans. Continue Reading »
I Will Consider My Cat Butter
Reading on my back deck on an unconscionably warm winter day, I’m distracted by our outdoor cat, Butter, as he skitters, leaps, pounces, and slides across the dead leaves strewn on the planks. I can’t see what he’s after, but I figure it’s a moth or a skink, both regular parts of Butter’s diet. We […]
Bible in a Year: Have you heard about Father Mike Schmitz’s next project?
Father Mike Schmitz is the host of the podcast “the Bible in a Year,” produced by Ascension. / Courtesy of Ascension Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 7, 2022 / 04:00 am (CNA). Father Mike Schmitz recently marked two major milestones, on consecutive days. On Dec. 31, listeners to “The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike […]
Pencil Preaching for Friday, January 7, 2022
Earth: One of God's failed experiments?
Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese: Recent scientific discoveries about the universe suggest it may be time to update our theological imaginations about humanity’s, and Earth’s, place within it.
A Catholic feminist review of Halsey's album 'If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power'
Album review: In Halsey’s latest album, the alternative electro-pop artist reflects on becoming a new parent and grapples with experiences that go along with pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. For Catholics especially, much of the album will feel familiar.
Will US bishops find their voice and defend democracy?
Michael Sean Winters: Why have the bishops failed to sound the alarm for the “values and principles of our democracy” that continue to be threatened? Surely the sanctity of the vote is above partisan politics.