Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Day 19: Joseph and His Brothers (2022)

Fr. Mike zeroes in on the dynamic between Joseph and his older brothers and shows us how the sin of envy is a distorted desire to be loved. Today’s readings are Genesis 37, Job 27-28, and Proverbs 3:25-27. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not […]

St. Canute, King of Denmark

St. Canute, also called Knute or Canutus, succeeded his brother Harald, the seventh king of Denmark. The differences between the two brothers were like saint and sinner. Harald’s reputation for laziness and vice gained him the nickname “the Slothful.” Fortunately, he only reigned for two years before his death and the throne went to Canute. Canute began […]

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“If I want to be an orthodox Christian and believe that the Bible is infallible, I have to be a Catholic and believe that the Church also has that divine gift. Church and Scripture go together, like body and soul.” — Peter Kreeft, Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic

789: Pope Francis Met with Pfizer CEO in 2021 secretly [Podcast]

Pope Francis secretly met twice with P-fiz3r CEO Albert Bourla in 2021, according to Vatican journalist Edward Pentin. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: Or listen to the audio mp3 here: If you’d like to order a copy of Taylor’s new book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within, you can […]