Introduction to Egypt & Exodus (with Jeff Cavins) – 2022

Congratulations on completing the Patriarchs period! Today, Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to explore the world of Egypt and Exodus. They discuss the common problems we encounter in this period and how to discover the true purpose of God’s law. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that […]

Saint Angela Merici

Angela was born in Lombardy, Italy, on March 21, 1470.  At the age of 10 she was orphaned and went with her sister to live with an uncle. While living there her sister died, leaving Angela saddened by the fact that she died without first receiving the sacraments. Angela received no formal education. After the death of […]

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“The sacrament of the Eucharist imparts to you as a sacramental grace, that fervor of charity by which you can, if you make good use of it, unite yourself more firmly to Christ and to your brethren.” -Lawrence Lovasik, The Basic Book of the Eucharist

Redefining Healthcare – One Word at a Time

According to released emails, the CDC redefined the word “vaccine” because the standing definition did not seem to properly apply to COVID-19 vaccines. That definition was, “a product that stimulates… See more at

MLK, Aquinas, and unjust laws

Was Martin Luther King Jr. a Thomist? That intriguing question is posed in an excellent recent piece at National Catholic Register by Kathy Schiffer. King and Aquinas coincidentally are close to one another on the […]