Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Channeling McCarrick

Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Chicago’s cardinal Blase Cupich has been visiting his ancestral homeland of Croatia this week. Church Militant’s Joe Gallagher explains how Catholics in Croatia and Chicago are getting tired of his leftist antics. Cdl. Blase Cupich: “There are many voices in the life […]

Catholic conferences support state measures to restrict abortion

As many state legislatures consider restrictive abortion measures in current legislative sessions, the Catholic conferences in these states are paying close attention to these bills and urging Catholics to advocate for them. The abortion bills, proposed by Republican lawmakers, are coming in advance of a decision by the Supreme Court this summer in the Dobbs […]

Survey finds path to U.S. citizenship for migrants has majority support

Though immigration remains a polemic topic in political circles, just 44% of Americans recently surveyed by the Public Religion Research Institute said it was a “critical issue” in the U.S. A majority favored a path to citizenship for those who are in the country without legal permission. By and large, Americans had a positive view […]

German Synodal Assembly opens with calls for change, but some object

The third German Synodal Assembly spent hours discussing church issues and, by the end of its first day, adopted two texts that delegates hope will bring change and more democracy to the church. A vote on the election of bishops was delayed until the second day of the Feb. 3-5 meeting in Frankfurt. All resolutions […]

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Into the deep

Is. 6:1-8 / Ps. 138:1-5, 7-8 11 / 1 Cor. 15:1-11 / Lk. 5:1-11 Simon Peter, the fisherman, is the first to be called personally by Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. His calling resembles Isaiah’s commissioning in the First Reading: Confronted with the holiness of the Lord, both Peter and Isaiah are overwhelmed by a sense […]