A Threat to Justice Everywhere

A Threat to Justice Everywhere By Elizabeth M. Lynch February 21, 2022 Early last December, a group of nine British lawyers and human-rights specialists gathered in a wood-paneled room under the glass dome of Church House, near Westminster Abbey in downtown London. They were there to do what the United Nations and its member states […]

Ottawa Police on horseback trample Freedom Convoy protesters

On February 18, Ottawa police brutally harmed several peaceful protesters in the Canadian capital city. In addition to beating some with rifle butts, mounted police trampled some of the protesters and were caught on video doing so.Read More

‘Pink Elephant in the Room’

Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   TRANSCRIPT A three-day symposium on the priesthood is underway in Vatican City. Today marks the second day of the event, which is themed “For a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood.” Church Militant’s William Mahoney looks at some of the symposium’s key […]

Why turn the other cheek? To defeat hatred and evil, Pope Francis says

To love one’s enemies and to turn the other cheek seems impossible, but Jesus Christ’s love gives Christians this strength that can save even those who hate them, Pope Francis said Sunday. “Turning the other cheek is not the loser’s fallback, but the action of those who have greater inner strength,” the pope told crowds […]