Fasting is a Virtue

Fasting is a Virtue which is Necessary for Holiness Among the many things from our fathers which are necessary for the restoration of Tradition, there are few things which are more neglected yet also more necessary than bodily fasting. Even among faithful Catholics who strive with zeal for the restoration of the Holy Mass and […]

Pope hails health care workers as heroes for Covid service (AP)

On February 20, Italy’s national day for healthcare professionals, Pope Francis said that “in sickness, we need someone who saves us, who assists us. A doctor told me, this morning, that in the time of Covid, a person was dying, and said to him, ‘Hold my hand: I am dying, and I need your hand.’ […]

Pope to visually impaired: ‘One sees well only with the heart’ (Vatican News)

On February 19, Pope Francis addressed members of the Voir Ensemble, a French Catholic association for the visually impaired. “Today, unfortunately, we are used to perceiving only the exterior of things, the most superficial appearance,” the Pope said. Our culture affirms that people are worthy of interest in relation to their physical appearance, their clothing, […]

Vatican’s Spy vs. Spy

TRANSCRIPT It was reported Thursday that one of the Vatican’s highest officials called in a foreign government to sweep for spy bugs in his office. Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford talks about “spy versus spy” in the Vatican. The No. 2 authority in the Vatican Secretariat of State, Abp. Edgar Peña Parra of Venezuela, reportedly commissioned the Italian Secret […]

A Tainted Legacy

TRANSCRIPT For decades, Cdl. Donald Wuerl was untouchable, reigning over the United States’ most important see: Washington, D.C. But his success was only possible by deceiving the public. Church Militant senior producer Christine Niles exposes Wuerl’s real track record stretching back to his days in Pittsburgh. Mike Ference: “Well, I had started investigating John Wellinger in […]

Birds of a Feather

TRANSCRIPT A new report is revealing links between Cdl. Angelo Becciu and the U.S. political swamp’s effort to destroy Donald Trump. Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford explores some troubling connections. Currently on trial at the Vatican for corruption, Becciu was a manager for the Vatican City-State. He surrendered both his office and his rights as a cardinal in […]

Clinton–Trump II?

TRANSCRIPT Two pertinent things occurred yesterday [Thursday] in the realm of American politics: Crooked Hillary Clinton made her comeback speech at the New York State Democratic Party Convention, and President Donald Trump wrote a public memo targeting Clinton while defending himself. Church Militant’s Paul Murano puts into context what may be the first two shots of a […]