Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Synod on Synodality: What Every Catholic Should Know

Courtesy photo Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., during the closing Mass at the diocesan synod in 2017. With listening sessions occuring throughout the country, U.S. dioceses and eparchies that have embraced the synodal process hope to see a revival of engagement with their flock after pandemic-era restrictions.

Bishops in Texas Urge Clemency for Woman on Death Row

Offstock A long corridor of cell blocks inside a federal prison. Lucio, 53, was sentenced to death in 2008 for the Feb. 17, 2007 death of her two-year-old daughter, Mariah Alvarez. Alvarez was the youngest of Lucio’s 14 children.

Day 60: Intercessory Prayer (2022)

Fr. Mike makes note of how the tribes of Israel travel with Judah (praise) leading the way, and makes note of how Moses intercedes for the people and acts as a mediator between God and man. Today’s readings are Numbers 10, Deuteronomy 9, and Psalm 10. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: […]

St. Albinus

Albinus, also known as Aubin, was born to a noble family in Brittany. From his youth Albinus was fervent in his piety. He decided to be a monk, and so in his twenties entered the monastic life at a place then called Cincillac. (Later the name was changed to St. Aubin’s in his honor.) At […]

Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

In the first reading we are reminded to be holy as God is holy, “Be holy for I am holy.” In the Gospel reading the Lord assures his disciples that they and others who leave family, land and possessions to follow Jesus and to preach the Good News will be rewarded a hundredfold not only […]

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“We are all little in the sight of Almighty God, and without Him we can do nothing. But thanks be to God, He is the One Who makes something out of nothing.” — Fr. William Casey, Making a Holy Lent: 40 Meditations to Prepare You for the Church’s Holiest Season