Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Russia’s Attack of Ukraine: 6 Questions With George Weigel

Sergei Guneyev Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the National Space Center construction site in Moscow on Sunday. Why does the Russian invasion of Ukraine pose a major threat to global order and stability? And what more could Pope Francis do right now?

Donnelly will soon head to Rome as new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Vice President Kamala Harris Feb. 24 held a ceremonial swearing-in of Catholic lawyer Joe Donnelly of Indiana as the new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See. Donnelly, a former member of the House of Representatives and the Senate, was officially sworn in Feb. 15 at the federal courthouse in South Bend, Indiana. […]

Catholic college leaders urged to listen up in synod sessions

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Although next year’s world Synod of Bishops on synodality may seem like it would be something far removed from U.S. Catholic college students, many are hoping that’s not the case. “Synodality is the chance to be creative in imagining the future of the church. Use this chance. … Catholic colleges and universities […]

Where German Catholics & Pope Francis Diverge

Where German Catholics & Pope Francis Diverge By Massimo Faggioli February 28, 2022 Germany’s Synodale Weg (“synodal way”), led by the German conference of bishops and the national committee of lay German Catholics (ZdK), assembled for the third time in February; it was likely a watershed moment in the German Church’s synodal process. Some 230 delegates, […]