Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ukrainian Catholic Leader: ‘May Dialogue and Diplomacy Conquer War’…

The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church expressed hope on Monday that dialogue and diplomacy will “conquer war” in Ukraine. In a video message recorded in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Feb. 28, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk alluded to talks between representatives of Ukraine and Russia taking place in neighboring Belarus…

The Future of United Methodism

The United Methodist Church is going to split. No one knows the exact contours of the split, but everyone seems confident that it is coming. There is a gulf between traditionalists and progressives in the UMC regarding same-sex marriage, and that gulf is widening: several Methodist bishops have performed same-sex weddings, defying official UMC teaching; […]

Schismatic Synodality: Personal and Ideological Origins

Fr. Serafino Lanzetta has an excellent new book out called The Symphony of Truth. As a writer with a focus on the roots of Pope Francis’s pontificate, I found this book fascinating. From multiple angles, Fr. Lanzetta tells the backstories behind today’s ecclesial crisis. Often, we can trace the root of a current problem back […]

Feminist Vatican Nun Endorses LGBT+ Caucus

VATICAN ( – Sister Nathalie Becquart, the first woman appointed by Pope Francis to a voting position in the Vatican, is endorsing a radical Catholic LGBTQ+ campaign group that defies Church teaching on homosexuality and gender ideology. Sr. Becquart with Francis and pro-LGBT Cdl. Hollerich  Becquart, one of the highest-ranking nuns in the Holy See, will deliver […]

Christians need more sins

The reason we limit our consciousness of sin to the private realm is that we place our faith there as well

Focus on the goodness in others, not the flaws, Pope Francis urges

Pope Francis spoke Feb. 27 about the human tendency to focus on the faults of others, rather than our own flaws and the harmful ways we often speak to one another. In his weekly Angelus address, the pope reflected on Sunday’s Gospel, in which Jesus asks the question: “Why do you notice the splinter in […]