Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis remembers historic Iraq visit 1 year later

Pope Francis meets Iraqi Church representatives on the first anniversary of his visit to Iraq, Feb. 28, 2022. / Vatican Media. Vatican City, Feb 28, 2022 / 07:20 am (CNA). In a meeting with Iraqi Christian leaders at the Vatican on Monday, Pope Francis recalled his historic trip to Iraq made a year ago this […]

These 17th century monks did a beer fast for Lent

Beer. / Africa Studio / Shutterstock. Washington D.C., Feb 28, 2022 / 03:25 am (CNA). With the Lenten about to begin, Catholics will be immersing themselves in 40 days of abstaining from sweets, technology, alcohol and other luxuries.But did yo… […]

The Ancient Call to Fasting

“Yet even now,” says the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments” (Joel 2:12–13). An Ancient Practice Fasting wasn’t invented by Christians (or Jews, for that matter) but is a universal human practice that the Lord and His Church […]