Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Church must do better at valuing elderly, Vatican official says

ROME – Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the Vatican’s top official on life issues, has praised the pope’s decision to launch a new weekly catechesis on “old age,” saying it is especially timely and voicing his belief that the Church itself still struggles with seeing the elderly in a positive light. “The two great problems of the […]

Cardinal Dolan visits Ukrainian church in NYC in sign of solidarity

NEW YORK – Just before Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York left St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in lower Manhattan on Feb. 27 he put his arm around Bishop Paul Chomnycky of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, and said, “you let me know how we can help.” The moment between the two prelates encapsulated […]

Polish Church opens doors for Ukrainian refugees

KRAKÒW, Poland – It was late night on Feb. 26 when a few minivans pulled into the driveway of the Dominican sisters’ “Dom Chłopaków” (“Home of the Boys”) in Broniszewice, in central Poland. Minivans full of supplies for refugees who are starting to pour to Poland from Ukraine. “One orphanage from Kharkiv was already evacuated. […]

The fruit of the blood of the Alexandrian Martyrs

On February 28, there are nine individuals or groups listed in the Martyrologium Romanum, the Catholic Church’s official calendar of saints and blesseds. One of those entries is for an almost forgotten group of martyrs […]

Catholic Fighter

Michael Voris interviews Texas gubernatorial candidate Don Huffines.

Catholic Fighter

TRANSCRIPT   I’m Michael Voris, coming to you from our weekend Church Militant Resistance Bootcamp in Tampa, Florida, where more than 150 faithful Catholics came to commit themselves to fighting the evil in the Church and its overflow effects in the culture. Have you ever noticed just how frequently political characters pop up on the […]

February 28, 2022

Pro-Lifers Oppose Supreme Court Pick Biden’s nominee wants to enshrine abortion on demand. FULL STORY Vacation Invasion  Joy Behar blasted for complaining about ruined trip. FULL STORY Poland Aids Ukraine​​​​​ Catholic nation opens churches for refugees of war. FULL STORY German Priest Convicted  70-year old cleric sent to prison for child abuse. FULL STORY NCR Slams Strickland Readers of dissident rag […]

Straight talk on Ash Wednesday

Why are so many people so keen on “getting the ashes”? The question naturally comes to mind as Ash Wednesday approaches. Maybe it will be different this year — lots of things are different in the Age of Covid-19 — but in normal times in the past the first day of Lent, along with Christmas […]

Saint of the day: Blessed Villana de’Botti

Blessed Villana de’Botti was born in Florence in 1332. She was a very pious child, and when she was 13, she ran away from home to join a convent. The sisters sent her home, and soon after, her parents married her off to Rosso di Piero. After her rejection and marriage, Villana changed, becoming lazy […]