Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Explaining the Vatican’s discretion on Putin’s war

ROME – Despite the best efforts of nations around the world to isolate and punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, as of this writing the war grinds on, with Russian tanks encircling the capital city of Kiev despite unexpectedly stiff resistance from Ukrainian military and civilians alike. The motives driving Putin’s war reflect a […]

Young Earth Creationism: Gideon Lazar VS Jimmy Akin

Gideon Lazar and Jimmy Akin will debate the resolution “the earth was created a few thousand years ago”. Format for debate below. 📖 Meditations by St Thomas Aquinas for LENT: 🚨 Exodus 90: 🙏 Hallow: Opening Statements: 20 Min each Cross Examination: 20 Min each Audience Questions: 30 minutes Closing Statements: 5 […]

Pope St. Gregory II

Gregory was born in 669 in Rome. When he was just a young man, he was so pious that he caught the attention of Pope St. Sergius I. Pope Sergius ordained Gregory a subdeacon and Gregory ended up serving under the next four popes in different roles. Under one pope he served as treasurer of […]

Monday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel, we can see Jesus continuing to use ordinary incidents to illustrate the values of the Kingdom. In using the example of the sad but rich young man, he pointed out to his disciples the need of his followers for detachment from what the world usually consider as success.  However, after twenty centuries […]

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“Every time we’re at Mass, our Blessed Mother is right there with us.” — Joseph Pronechen, The Fruits of Fatima: A Century of Signs and Wonders