Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Bishops in Texas urge clemency for woman on death row

Death row in an American prison. / Jerry-Rainey/Shutterstock Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Feb 28, 2022 / 17:00 pm (CNA). The state of Texas should grant clemency to a woman set to be executed in April, a Catholic organization and two bishops said in a release on Monday.  “The risk of the state taking an innocent life […]

Pro-abortion Women’s Health Protection Act fails in US Senate

Senator James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) speaks against the Women’s Health Protection Act on the Senate floor, Feb. 28, 2022. / Screenshot/U.S. Senate Washington D.C., Feb 28, 2022 / 17:05 pm (CNA). The U.S. Senate failed to move forward with the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) on Monday, striking down what some pro-life groups identify as the […]

19 Things Jesus Never Said

Eduard von Gebhardt, “Christus verabschiedet sich von Thobias,” 1924 “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:28)

Explicit Biblical Instruction on Saving Souls

Public Domain Gebhard Fugel (1863-1939), “Pentecost” The Scriptures make it clear: Baptism is necessary for salvation for all those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament.