Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How Pope Francis could lead a ‘soft power’ push on Ukraine

ROME – As Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine rages on, it’s become a staple of anti-Putin rhetoric to insist that the “whole world” is united its outrage. US President Joe Biden, for example, has said that the prayers “of the entire world” are with Ukraine, and vowed that “the world will hold Russia accountable.” Yet […]

Lessons for Lent from the conversion of King David

A prophet with a perilous mission “And the Lord sent Nathan to David” (2 Sam 12:1). The context of Nathan’s mission is ominous. After committing adultery with Bathsheba and, in order to hide that sin, […]

St. Roderick

Roderick (sometimes known as Ruderic or Rodriguez) lived in Spain during the ninth century. During this time Christians were under great persecution by the Moors. Roderick had two brothers, one a fallen-away Catholic and the other who had become a Moslem. One day his two brothers got into a heated argument and started to fight. […]