Eco-friendly Lent recipe: cinnamon pear walnut oatmeal
A simple yet flavorful recipe, cinnamon pear walnut oatmeal is packed with fiber and healthy fats. This satisfying plant-based breakfast is quick and easy to make.
Will Francis' reform of the Curia take root?
Pope Francis’ reforms of the Roman Curia are promising, argues columnist Michael Sean Winters, but redeeming that promise will require the commitment of many others, and it will take time.
As pandemic eases, will the Communion cup ever make a comeback?
Concerns remain about how to conduct communal consumption of the Precious Blood amid a highly contagious virus, and cultivators of sacramental wine worry about what those decisions will mean for future business.
Editorial: Black Catholics survey prompts need for prioritizing racial justice
We say: The church must do more to proclaim its message of racial justice, in homilies and in statements from bishops. The church also must do more to prioritize racism among other social justice issues.
Cultivate Fidelity in Times of Suffering
There are some things that we say and believe when we are suffering that do not really help us but rather make our suffering worse. Here are some of such negative thoughts: “I am suffering because God has abandoned me.” “I am suffering because God is punishing me for all my sins.” We say and […]
Syria and Ukraine are united in sorrow and suffering: papal letter (Vatican News)
“Let us embrace [Ukrainians] in prayer and affection, trusting that a just and lasting peace may quickly be achieved so that the work of the agencies be carried out in that beloved nation, even as is the case today in Syria,” Pope Francis wrote in a letter to participants in a conference in Damascus organized […]
Russian Orthodox Patriarch emphasizes ‘spiritual unity’ of Russians, Ukrainians as ‘one nation’ (Moscow Patriarchate)
In an address to fellow Russian Orthodox Church leaders, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow said he wished to “stress once again that the Russian Church, despite the very negative political context, is called today to preserve the spiritual unity of our people —the Russian and Ukrainian peoples —as one nation which has come out of the […]
Pope at Audience: Elderly are irreplaceable in passing on the faith
Continuing his catechesis at the Wednesday General Audience on the meaning and value of old age, Pope Francis turns his attention to the special vocation of the elderly to hand on to new generations their personal experience of the Church’s faith. Read all
Pope prays for victims of air crash in southern China
In a telegram Pope Francis expresses his sorrow for those who have lost their lives in a “China Eastern” air crash and prays for them and their families. Read all
Cardinal Czerny encourages Bishops of Senegal in their ministry
Cardinal Michael Czerny meets with the Catholic Bishops of Senegal in Dakar, and visits a Jesuit-run centre for Islamic-Christian dialogue. Read all