Letters 03.27.22
NCRegister.com Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. Readers respond to Register articles.
Pope: Blood of Ukrainian massacre victims 'cries out to heaven'
Pope Francis once again pleaded for an end to the bloodshed and violence in Ukraine after images of innocent civilians apparently executed in Bucha sparked outrage and horror around the world.
Pope Francis: Blood of Bucha victims ‘cries out to heaven’ for end to Ukraine war
Pope Francis holds up a flag which he said was brought to him from “the martyred city” of Bucha, Ukraine at his general audience on April 6, 2022. / Daniel Ibanez/CNA Vatican City, Apr 6, 2022 / 03:00 am (CNA). Pope Francis condemned the “horri… […]
The power of saying these 6 words: ‘The truth will set you free.’
A Reflection for the Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, by Joe Hoover, S.J.
Pope: Blood of Bucha massacre victims ‘cries out to heaven’
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis once again pleaded for an end to the bloodshed and violence in Ukraine after images of innocent civilians apparently executed in Bucha sparked outrage and horror around the world. “The recent news of the war in Ukraine, instead of bringing relief and hope, attest to new atrocities, such as […]
Pope Francis: We are witnessing the ‘impotence’ of the UN in the Ukraine war
Pope Francis speaks during his weekly general audience on April 6, 2022. / Vatican Media Vatican City, Apr 6, 2022 / 06:30 am (CNA). Pope Francis lamented the “impotence” of the United Nations in the face of the Ukraine war in comments made during his general audience on Wednesday. “Today we often hear about ‘geopolitics.’ […]
Eco-friendly Lent recipe: vegan broccoli cheddar soup
You won’t miss the dairy in this plant-based broccoli cheddar soup — it’s still creamy and delicious. Plus, it’s made with whole food ingredients and ready in 30 minutes.
Here's an idea: Have lunch with a bishop
NCR Connections: After chatting with a bishop in a lunch line, I wonder: If there were more opportunities for church leaders to hang out, in person, with everyday Catholics, could we better understand one another?
History of Churchill as a military man sheds light on moral challenges today
Michael Sean Winters: A new history of Winston Churchill, focusing on his involvement with war, sheds light on how the changes in war fighting capabilities created new, nightmarish moral challenges.
The church needs to name and confront 'clerical fragility'
Fr. Daniel Horan: Just as racism is a white problem, sexual abuse in the church is a clergy problem. White people need to name and confront “white fragility,” and we clergy need to name and confront “clerical fragility.”