Vatican official speaks to event hosted by LGBT outreach group New Ways Ministry
Xavière Missionary Sr. Nathalie Becquart, the undersecretary of the Vatican’s Synod of Bishops office, addressed an April 3 online gathering organized by New Ways Ministry, the Maryland-based advocacy group for LGBTQ Catholics whose founders were once censured by the Vatican.
Masonic Conspiracy, Lefebvre, and the Murder of John Paul I
Fr. Charles Murr is one of the last living witnesses to Vatican corruption who is both orthodox and courageous. We have many clerics out there – dare I opine “many”! – who are orthodox, but do not have the courage – or perhaps the opportunity? – to speak the truth come what may. Today, we […]
Today is America’s 113th anniversary. Help continue our transformation.
Today you can help us celebrate America’s past and present, while securing our future for generations to come. You can also help me honor my late mother as today would have been her 83rd birthday.
Philippine bishops to voters: “Don’t gamble the country’s future”
Philippine Bishops’ president, Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of Kalookan, delivered a homily during the “Solidarity Mass for Vote” at the Baclaran Church on Wednesday, April 6. Read all
The race to lie
The need for an international investigation following the massacres in the suburbs of Kyiv
Salem and the smoke of Satan
On May 13, 1982, Pope John Paul II flew to Portugal on a pilgrimage of thanksgiving for his life having been spared the year before. At the airport welcoming ceremony, the Pope, reflecting that he’d […]
Authority, Participation, and Women
Authentic collaboration in the Church is possible only when women are seen as whole and necessary, not as challenges or threats to the “purity” of clergy
The Mass is the Life of the Church
Sacred Scripture tells us that God has obtained the Church with His own blood (cf. Acts 28:28). According to the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Church is born primarily of Christ’s total self-giving for our salvation, anticipated in the institution of the Eucharist and fulfilled on the Cross. “The origin and […]
Video released for April papal prayer intention (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network)
Commenting on his April prayer intention (health care workers), Pope Francis said that “the poorest countries, the most vulnerable countries, cannot access the necessary treatments to treat the countless diseases they continue to suffer … Therefore, I want to ask the governments of all the countries of the world not to forget that good healthcare, […]
Korean archbishop expresses hope country’s new president will work for unity, justice (
Yoon Suk-yeol won South Korea’s March 9 presidential election. Yoon, like current President Moon Jae-in, is Catholic, even though the nation is only 11% Catholic.