New Orleans nun kidnapped in Burkina Faso (Clarion Herald)
Sister Suellen Tennyson, 83, a missionary in Burkina Faso (map) since 2014, was kidnapped on the night of April 4-5. “For many years, Sister Suellen ministered to the people of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with great joy,” said Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans. “Today, we express our sadness and shock at her abduction […]
Costa Rica’s bishops call for a ‘truly participatory democracy’ (Fides)
The Central American nation of 5.2 million (map) is 76% Catholic and 19% Protestant; the bishops addressed their remarks to President-elect Rodrigo Chaves, winner of the April 3 runoff election.
Ukraine’s man in the Vatican says papal trip to Kyiv would be ‘message to end the war’ (Crux)
Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, has repeatedly invited Pope Francis to visit Ukraine, and the Pope said on April 3 that a trip there is possible. “Even though Russia doesn’t want for this trip to happen, I think even they would make sure it is safe if the […]
Ecumenical Patriarch: This war is not a holy and blessed war as some claim, but an evil war (Orthodox Times)
Born in 1940, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was installed in 1991 as Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, and holds a primacy of honor among the Orthodox churches. He made his remarks at an Orthodox church in Stavrodromi, Greece, following a visit to Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
Brülhart testifies he briefed Pope about London real estate deal (AP)
René Brülhart, president of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority from 2014 to 2019, testified before a Vatican tribunal that his agency “launched an intelligence investigation into a suspicious London real estate deal after it learned about it but had no power to stop the Vatican Secretariat of State from concluding it,” the AP reported. Brülhart, […]
Bishop Carlassare: Pope’s visit will give impulse to peace efforts in South Sudan
The bishop of the diocese of Rumbek expresses joy for the forthcoming July visit of Pope Francis to the East African country, saying that “it will be of great encouragement also for the local Church engaged in the long process of reconciliation.” Read all
Disney Has Been Corrupting Kids for Decades
Disney has officially declared itself a woke leader, vowing to fight Florida’s newly-minted Parental Rights in Education Law while advancing the rainbow agenda to the youngest of its viewers. The past few weeks have shown Disney’s wokeness in startlingly clear detail: top execs are promising that 50 percent of its characters will be racial or […]
Salem and the Smoke of Satan
On May 13, 1982, Pope John Paul II flew to Portugal on a pilgrimage of thanksgiving for his life having been spared the year before. At the airport welcoming ceremony, the pope, reflecting that he’d been shot on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, mused that, “In the designs of Providence, there are no […]
Pope says UN organizations ‘impotent’ in Ukraine war
ROME – Pope Francis on Wednesday said that the international organizations, such as the United Nations, have proven to be useless in stopping violence and atrocities in the war in Ukraine. Speaking about the massacres in the recently freed city of Bucha, on the outskirts of Kyiv, the pope denounced the “increasingly horrendous cruelties [that] […]
Vatican officials, ambassadors screen documentary on ‘Mother Teresa of Honduras’ (Vatican News)
Sister María Rosa Leggol, OSF, founded the Sociedad Amigos de los Niños. The Embassy of Honduras and L’Osservatore Romano’s Spanish edition organized a private screening of With This Light, a documentary on her life, for Vatican officials and ambassadors.