Pope: UN powerless in war in Ukraine, where logic of powerful prevails
Pope Francis at his General Audience focusing on Malta notes how “the dominant logic are the strategies of the most powerful countries to affirm their own interests.” Malta, he says, represents the rights and power of the ‘small’ nations that should lead toward another logic of respect and freedom that is opposed to the colonization […]
Canceling Henry VIII
Times change. A century ago, Henry VIII was lionized as an English patriotic icon and as one of the truly great men of history. He was praised for being highly cultured and for his love […]
Truth that sets us free
Pencil Preaching for Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Jubilee pilgrims celebrate ‘being together’ again on LA’s streets
As Maria Gaetano took the final steps of her pilgrimage arriving to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels last Saturday, it was hard to fathom she’d just walked nearly 11 miles in six hours, passing by and through traffic, churches, homeless encampments, smiling faces, and honking car horns. She hardly seemed tired or […]
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the Truly Rich Young Man
Everything. That is what Jesus asked the rich young man to be willing to part with in order to gain eternal life. The young man had been so excited to find out what he needed to do that he actually ran up to Jesus to ask him. But “his face fell,” scripture tells us, “and […]
Vigano Drops A Bombshell Accusation On The Church & Responds To His Traditionalist Critics
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