Day 126: David’s Victories (2022)

Fr. Mike emphasizes how King David’s victories in battle are part of his calling to establish Israel as a kingdom. He also reminds us that the recapitulation of the events we read about 1 Chronicles 10-11, is not repetitive, it served a specific purpose for the people of Israel. Today we read 2 Samuel 8, […]

Authentic moral reasoning vs. appeals to legalism

When the Church speaks definitively on morality—says that without exception something is wrong—is it declaring a truth or laying down a law? Confusion about that is rampant today. Recently I came across this statement by […]

Dark magic: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Six years after its release, Scott Derrickson’s Doctor Strange remains one of the best Marvel movies, and certainly one of the only cinematically interesting installments. In a franchise replete with visually dull, generic action sequences, […]

St. Eadbert

Eadbert was ordained successor to St. Cuthbert, in the see of Lindisfarne, in the year 687. He spent eleven years as bishop of that church. Like his predecessor, Eadbert made it a practice to spend Lent and forty days prior to Christmas in solitude at a place by the sea. There he would practice fasting […]