Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Day 136: Absalom Is Defeated (2022)

Today, we hear about the downfall of Absalom, and how David reacts to the news of his death. In Chronicles, we read about David changing some of the rules of worship, as he prepares for Temple worship. The readings are 2 Samuel 18, 1 Chronicles 23, and Psalm 37. For the complete reading plan, visit […]

No Priests

TRANSCRIPT A couple of weeks back, the archbishop of Detroit, Allen Vigneron, in line to be the next president of the U.S. bishops conference, publicly bemoaned to the faithful that, for the first time in generations, the Detroit archdiocese would have no men ordained to the priesthood. In fact, Detroit’s track record for ordinations under Vigneron has been nothing […]

Saint Brendan of Clonfer

St Brendan of Clonfer (c. 484 – c. 577), also called The Navigator, The Voyager, and the Bald, was an early Irish monastic whose zeal for Christ and the conversion of many took throughout Europe as well as on a voyage over the seas. Born in what is now near Tralee, County Kerry, St. Brendan was educated […]

THE SYNODAL WAY: Is Francis Church Officially Going Gay?

New from Remnant TV… The Globalist Pope continues to remove Christianity as an impasse to the New World Order. In this edition of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt rips the mask off of Pope… See more at

Culling Clerics

TRANSCRIPT Dioceses across the country are taking a look in their mirrors and seeing the impact of chronic corruption over time — in the form of empty pews. Church Militant’s Kristine Christlieb looks at three dioceses trying to stop the bleeding. Fr. Bryan Zielenieski, vicar for renewal and development, diocese of Buffalo, New York: “We’re going […]

CA to Codify Child Killing

TRANSCRIPT The nation’s most populous state is trying hard to become a sanctuary of death, regardless of what happens with Roe. Church Militant’s Paul Murano surveys the Devil’s stranglehold on the state famous for cities named after angels and saints. Gavin Newsom, governor of California: “California is a place of refuge, not only for 40 million Californians, […]