The Catholic Response to Corrupt Cardinals

Above: Ordinary Public Consistory for the vote on some causes of canonization (Vatican Media). Editor’s note: in light of the recent news of a new consistory showcasing the pipeline of power for men who seem to have no love of truth, we present this reflection which cuts to the core of our Catholic identity. The […]

The Specter of Communism

Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO Understand The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, the Russian Revolution and the spread of “Russia’s errors.” Fathom the war between Marxism and Mary. — Campaign 31877 —

Heaven Isn’t Guaranteed

In my last article for Catholic Exchange, I looked at one of the key differences between Catholic and Protestant understandings of salvation, and this time, I want to look at another way that we differ from our separated brethren on this important issue. For us Catholics, salvation isn’t assured until we die and get to […]

‘Don’t Invite the Theologians’

‘Don’t Invite the Theologians’ By Paul Baumann May 31, 2022 Tom Reese, SJ, the former editor of America, writes a column for Religion News Service that regularly appears in the National Catholic Reporter. He recently tackled the vexing, if well-worn, question of “Why Is the Church Failing in the West?” He made some shrewd observations […]