Respect Life Radio: Laraine Bennett on playing the game of temperaments…
“Let’s just play a fun game and have people learn about themselves, and others, through that,” said Laraine Bennett, a writer, author and the creator of “Know Thyself! The Game of Temperaments” (Sophia Institute Press), a game for those ages 12 and up, played with 480 temperament cards. Among her books, including those co-written with […]
Eleven Funerals for 12 People to Take Place at Uvalde’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Coming Weeks…
Eleven of the Uvalde shooting victims were parishioners at the city’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and their funerals will be held there over the next two and a half weeks. Although there will be 11 funerals, 12 lives will be commemorated and prayed for, as Joe Garcia, the 50-year-old husband of one of the teachers […]
World Economic Forum announces ‘leadership role’ in governing the Metaverse
The World Economic Forum’s Cathy Li, who is responsible for the Metaverse initiative, has already suggested that speech censorship will be a necessary part of governing the Metaverse.Read More
Conservative Pierre Poilievre says glitch kept him from voting on motion to end COVID travel mandates
‘The voting application did not register my vote as a result of a technical problem,’ Poilievre said.Read More
Catholic student assaulted for defending the unborn at pro-abortion school protest
16-year-old Nichole Pagano suffered scratches on her arm and legs and a hurt shoulder from an attack by pro-abortion protesters at her high school.
Catholic bishops must be more unified in openly defending unborn life: Bp. Strickland
On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland calls on more bishops to speak out in defense of Archbishop Cordileone’s decision to ban Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion.
Doctor demolishes Planned Parenthood’s egregious lies about abortion in El Salvador
Medical expert Dr. José Miguel Fortín-Magaña Leiva blasted pro-abortion fear-mongering by Planned Parenthood propagandist Kate Smith as ‘totally false.’
East Timor cardinal-elect ‘almost fainted’ when he heard Pope Francis had chosen him
Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of Dili, who will be made a cardinal Aug. 27, says Mass April 9, 2016. / José Fernando Real via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0) Denver Newsroom, May 31, 2022 / 16:59 pm (CNA). The newest — and first — cardinal-elect of the island nation of East Timor says he […]
Catholic Woman May Receive Settlement Over Son’s Cremation
RapunzielStock A statue of angel looks upon a grave inside a Catholic cemetery. A Catholic woman who sued the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office claiming her son was cremated in violation of her religious beliefs will likely soon receive a settlement of nearly half a million dollars.
The Catholic Spirit of Star Trek
Rob Lavers RIBA ARPS A model of the Starship Enterprise In a time when much of television fare fails to reflect Christian values, it’s encouraging to have shows that successfully present a world in which people of different backgrounds can cooperate.