Respect Life Radio: Laraine Bennett on playing the game of temperaments…

“Let’s just play a fun game and have people learn about themselves, and others, through that,” said Laraine Bennett, a writer, author and the creator of “Know Thyself! The Game of Temperaments” (Sophia Institute Press), a game for those ages 12 and up, played with 480 temperament cards. Among her books, including those co-written with […]

Catholic Woman May Receive Settlement Over Son’s Cremation

RapunzielStock A statue of angel looks upon a grave inside a Catholic cemetery. A Catholic woman who sued the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office claiming her son was cremated in violation of her religious beliefs will likely soon receive a settlement of nearly half a million dollars.

The Catholic Spirit of Star Trek

Rob Lavers RIBA ARPS A model of the Starship Enterprise In a time when much of television fare fails to reflect Christian values, it’s encouraging to have shows that successfully present a world in which people of different backgrounds can cooperate.