Catholic woman may receive settlement over her son’s cremation

null / Shutterstock Denver Newsroom, May 31, 2022 / 14:20 pm (CNA). A Catholic woman who sued the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office claiming her son was cremated in violation of her religious beliefs will likely soon receive a settlement of nearly half a million dollars.   Maria Elvira Quintanilla Cebreros, a Tijuana, Mexico woman, alleges […]

Credentialing board launches to certify, oversee health sharing ministries

muss/Shutterstock Denver Newsroom, May 31, 2022 / 15:00 pm (CNA). Health sharing ministries can now seek accreditation from an independent Healthcare Sharing Accreditation Board, an option that will benefit both the organizations that promote themselves as an alternative to health insurance and their membership, a leading health sharing trade group has said. The accreditation board […]

For Indigenous Canadians, Pope Francis’ age is advantage: He’s an elder

TORONTO (CNS) — For six days in July, the most important thing happening in Canada will be an old man confronting the nation’s history. Pope Francis will be in Canada July 24-29 on a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation, visiting Edmonton, Alberta; Iqaluit, Nunavut; and Quebec City. That the 85-year-old pope will be limited by […]