11 Funerals to Take Place at Uvalde’s Catholic Church in Coming Weeks

CHANDAN KHANNA Outside of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Uvalde, Texas, pallbearers hold the casket of Amerie Jo Garza, who died in the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School, Garza’s funeral Mass was held at Sacred Heart on May 31. San Antonio Archdiocese releases information regarding Masses for each of the Sacred Heart parishioners who […]

Wiping Out Christians in Nigeria

DETROIT (ChurchMilitant.com) – In the aftermath of the gruesome murder of a young Christian woman in Nigeria earlier this month, a Polish member of Parliament is urging the European Union to intervene to protect Christians in that country. Christian student Deborah Yakubu Tomasz Poręba, a member of Poland’s Law and Justice Party, demanded answers from the EU about what actions it will take to ensure religious freedom for Christ’s followers. […]

Thieves rob, desecrate Brooklyn church (AP)

Thieves broke into a parish church in Brooklyn last week, breaking into the tabernacle and tossing the Blessed Sacrament around the altar. The thieves removed the tabernacle, which was valued at $2 million, from St. Augustine’s church; they also took the head from a statue and the building’s security cameras. The church had been closed […]