Day 172: Uzziah’s Pride (2022)

Fr. Mike zeroes in on how Uzziah’s prideful desire to worship God in his own way led to his tragic death. We are reminded once again how easily the kings over Judea strayed away from God after achieving greatness. Today’s readings are 2 Kings 3, 2 Chronicles 26-27, and Psalm 72. For the complete reading […]

Lynn Fitch: The woman who could end Roe v Wade

BBC News dubs Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch “the woman who could end Roe v Wade.” Foes of common sense and those opposed to a culture of life attack her The Atlantic attempts to shame Fitch for her pro-life leadership, writing “…if we’re going to blame anyone for the potential loss of this fundamental American…

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591) was a young man who experienced his faith as something more important than the worldly concerns of life. He lived in Renaissance Italy, a time noted for its high cultural achievements and low moral standards. Because he was born of a noble family, Aloysius was very familiar with court life, serving […]