You aren’t the one being judged…

Recently, I had a conversation with the mother of several young children. She relayed that she was hesitant to visit some of her extended family because of the negative opinions that are sometimes offered to her about her decision to have “so many” children. “I just don’t like being judged,” she said. I knew exactly […]

The trilemma of C.S. Lewis: Is there evidence that Jesus ever lived?

Employing an argument popularized by C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity, Christian apologists often point out that there are only three basic possibilities about Jesus. In claiming He was God, Jesus was either: 1) a liar, 2) insane, or 3) God. This is sometimes referred to as “Lewis’s Trilemma.” Lewis’s observation is not only logical but […]

The lessons of Russian warmaking…

Four and a half months after Russia invaded Ukraine on the Orwellian pretext of displacing a “Nazi” regime — a regime that enjoys a democratic legitimacy absent from Russia for two decades — what have we learned about, and from, the Russian way of war? We have learned that the Russian way of war is […]

What does it mean when someone accuses others of ‘rejecting Vatican II?’…

Pope Francis has repeatedly called attention to what he views as a growing rejection of the Second Vatican Council. Speaking to editors of European Jesuit journals on May 19, he related this view: “It is very difficult to see spiritual renewal using old-fashioned criteria. We need to renew our way of seeing reality, of evaluating […]

Shinzo Abe remembered for ‘great respect’ shown Catholic Church…

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was remembered as a man who showed “great respect to the Catholic Church, particularly to the Holy See” after his assassination on Friday. Abe was campaigning for local candidates in Nara when a person shot him in the back from close range with what news reports have described as […]

Are pro-lifers Good Samaritans or know-it-alls?

Jesus tells the Good Samaritan story in the Gospel for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C, and it comes just in time for us to learn what we are supposed to do in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. God is demanding that we be willing not […]