Pro-Life Leaders React: House Passes First Abortion Bills After Roe

Friday was the third time the House passed the Women’s Health Protection Act and the second time it did so in this legislative session. Friday’s moves marked the first time Congress has voted on major abortion legislation since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Neither pro-abortion measure is likely to gain final passage […]

Pro-Life or Faux-Life?

Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Many pro-life groups begin with zeal for saving unborn children, but over time devolve into accepting damaging compromises to their lifesaving mission. Church Militant’s Paul Murano looks at why some pro-life organizations — one in particular — tend to become “pro-life […]

Pope’s TLM Crackdown and Double Down

Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT The pope’s document to crack down on the Traditional Latin Mass turns one year old tomorrow. Church Militant’s William Mahoney has more on the document and its ramifications. Pope Francis issued his motu proprio Traditionis Custodes on July 16, 2021, the liturgical […]

Archbishop Mésidor: Gang violence in Haiti must be stopped now

As gang violence continues to ravage Haiti, the UN Security Council adopts a resolution that calls on all countries to stop the transfer of small arms, weapons and ammunitions to the country. Archbishop Max Leroy Mésidor of Port-au-Prince insists on the urgent need to disarm criminal gangs. Read all