Sacraments #17: What is Ordination to the Priesthood? w/ Fr. McFarland

Fr. John McFarland is joining us today to first look at the traditional Rite of Holy Orders. We’re going to see the history, what is necessary – that is, what is the form and matter of Holy Orders – and then we’ll go through the entire ceremony. As we’ve seen with the other sacraments, this […]

Day 199: Times for War (2022)

Fr. Mike explains why Joel would say that there are certain times for war, even within God’s plan. In a broken world, we are sometimes going to be called to fight the brokenness around us, but we must believe that God is allowing this not because he likes war, but because something better will come […]

FRANCIS: Poster Pope of the Great Reset

New from Remnant TV… This week’s episode is the recorded presentation that Michael Matt gave to the Roman Forum’s Summer Symposium in Gardone, Italy. Michael Matt takes a deep dive into the… See more at