Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Humanae Vitae, 54 Years Later

TRANSCRIPT Today is the 54th anniversary of the most consequential document written in modern times — Humanae Vitae. Church Militant’s Paul Murano reviews the fallout of widespread disobedience to Christ’s Magisterium and unchanging natural law. On July 25, 1968, a moral earthquake shook the world. Several years after the invention of the birth control pill, while Catholic […]

Celebrating Ss. Anne and Joachim 

In the Roman Catholic Church, July 26 commemorates the feast of Saints Anne and Joachim, the parents of the Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Christ Jesus. Ss. Anne and Joachim Despite the critical role Ss. Anne and Joachim played in the history of salvation, the holy couple may nowadays too often be overlooked.  Early documents of the […]

Honor elders, learn gentle way of faith sharing from them, pope says

EDMONTON, Alberta (CNS) — Celebrating the feast day of Jesus’ grandparents, Pope Francis not only urged people to honor their elders, but he asked them to think about what they will hand on to future generations. “We received so much from the hands of those who preceded us. What do we, in turn, want to […]

Growing need for Hispanic priests spurs new Spanish-speaking Serra Club

HOUSTON (CNS) — For every Catholic priest in the U.S., there are 1,230 Catholics in the general population. But that ratio is far greater in the Hispanic community, with 9,925 Hispanic Catholics per every Hispanic priest, according to a national report by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “There is a great need for more […]