Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Submission to the Non-Infallible Papal Magisterium is Conditional

In a previous article (here), I made the case that the pope, when he exercises his non-infallible teaching authority, as he typically does in encyclical letters, apostolic exhortations, letters to bishops, etc., does not speak therein with the full authority of the Church (as he does when he speaks ex cathedra), but rather with his […]

Still no bodies found at reported ‘mass graves’ of residential schools (CNA)

More than a year after sensational stories broke about mass graves at a residential school in British Columbia, no human remains have been found at the site. Initial reports, which suggested that hundreds of children had been buried at the Kamloops Indian school, have never been verified. The ground has not been excavated, and there […]

Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam (Fides)

A Pakistani Christian who was convicted in 2017 of blasphemy against Islam has been sentenced to death. Ashfag Masih, a young husband and father, insists that he did not express contempt for the prophet Mohammed. He says that a false charge against him was brought by neighbors with whom he had a business dispute. Pakistani […]

Pope confirms ‘great desire’ to visit Ukraine (Reuters)

Pope Francis spoke of his “great desire to go to Kiev” in an exchange with reporters who accompanied him on his flight to Canada on July 25. The Pope has repeatedly said that he would like to visit Ukraine, to do whatever he can to end the fighting there. He has also spoken of an […]

Corporate executives guilty of ‘formal cooperation’ with abortion: Bishop Paprocki (Pillar)

Corporate executives who have offered to pay travel expenses for employees seeking abortion should not receive Communion, according to Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois. Bishop Paprocki explained that an offer of material support for abortion constitutes “formal cooperation” with the act. The same logic, he said, applies to politicians like President Biden who promote […]

Pope laments suffering in residential schools (Vatican News)

Visiting a Canadian parish for indigenous peoples on Monday evening, July 25, Pope Francis encouraged the congregation to “look to Christ, crucified in the many students of the residential schools.” The Pontiff visited Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, near Edmonton, after having issued a public apology for the role of the Church in […]

Canadian indigenous grateful for papal apology, but they want more

ROME – Survivors of Canada’s residential school system who were present for Pope Francis’s apology on Monday described the moment as historic and “bittersweet,” but said that the highly anticipated mea culpa will only be meaningful if it’s followed by concrete action. Speaking during a press conference after the pope’s apology, Samson Cree Nation Chief […]

How to Receive Holy Communion

For the vast majority of us Roman Catholics the last time that we were actually taught or instructed on how to receive Holy Communion was when we were eight-years-old in second grade. Sometimes you’ve developed bad habits, sometimes we’ve lost the intentionality of what we’re doing, and it’s good to be reminded. So, some basic […]