Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Phil Fontaine: Forgiveness the path to true healing

Former AFN Chief, Phil Fontaine, welcomes Pope Francis apology to survivors for atrocities committed by many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples in Canada in the residential school system, saying it charts a path towards healing. Read all  

Woman, Heal Thyself

The Church of England isn’t sure what a woman is. “There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy,” said Rev. Robert Innes. Our most recent Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, isn’t sure what a […]

Catholic leaders in Angola fear violence ahead of August election

SÃO PAULO – Disturbances on the streets of Luanda, the capital of Angola, seem a sign that political tension is on the rise ahead of Aug. 24 general elections, prompting calls from the country’s Catholic leaders for peace and dialogue. Despite those pleas, many clergy members fear that violence will continue. The two major political […]

A possible star turn in Italy for a leading papal contender

ROME – While Pope Francis is away this week in Canada, three things are true about the Italy he’s temporarily left behind and to which he’ll return on Saturday. The country is in a full-blown political crisis, caused by the collapse of the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the calling of snap elections […]


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. TRANSCRIPT   It’s certainly no headline that politics is corrupt. It’s corrupt precisely because it involves power — and power is easy to abuse. Fallen human nature inclines to amassing power and its abuse; the privileges that can come with it; the entire package, […]

July 26, 2022

Gay Music Director Resigns Parish refuses to answer questions about Kevin Ryan. FULL STORY Victim Sets Record Straight Richard Windmann hits back at Bill Donohue. FULL STORY Pope Francis Apologizes Pontiff laments abuse at Canadian residential schools. FULL STORY TLM Parish Begs Bishop DC cardinal ignores pleas to preserve ancient liturgy. FULL STORY Miraculous Return of Relic Thieves fear curse, return […]

Crown of Thorns to Crown of Roses: Deeper Conversion through the Rosary

It had been a while since I last prayed the rosary. In my senior year of high school, before I started the day, I would pray my rosary. That year was important for discernment, and the rosary was providing me with the courage I needed to make the best possible decisions for my future, because […]

Saints of the day: Joachim and Anne

Sts. Joachim and Anne were the parents of the Virgin Mary. They were childless, but because of their faith, God blessed them with Mary, the mother of God. There are no details about Sts. Joachim and Anne in the New Testament, but several of the Church’s traditional beliefs about them can be found in the […]