Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Synodality, Anglican style: Lambeth Conference issues statement saying marriage is ‘between a man and a woman,’ but says individual bishops can teach otherwise…

The archbishop of Canterbury has been forced to allow Anglican bishops from all over the world the option of rejecting a statement on sexuality when they meet in Canterbury this week for the Lambeth conference. The U-turn from Justin Welby, the leader of the global Anglican communion and the conference president, came late on Monday […]

Ranked: The 20 countries with the fastest declining populations…

Since the mid-1900s, the global population has followed a steep upwards trajectory. While much of this growth has been concentrated in China and India, researchers expect the next wave of growth to occur in Africa. As of 2019, for example, the average woman in Niger is having over six children in her lifetime. At the […]

The Parable of the Midnight Visitor…

Imagine a visitor arrives at your home. He’s hungry but you have nothing to feed him. Suppose it’s so late at night that all the stores are closed. So you go down the road to the house of your friend and knock on his door. You rap gently and quietly at first, but then beat […]