As Biden and Bergoglio Accelerate Towards Hell, We Must Go Backwards

Anyone who prayed that Joe Biden’s September 1, 2022 speech to the nation would make it abundantly clear that the United States president is serving Satan would not have been disappointed: those with eyes to see readily noticed the demonic background, which was at times rendered mild in comparison with the demonically insane anger animating […]

Belleville Bishop Sells Up and Downsizes

Claire Leopold Bishop Albert Zuroweste purchased the historic home on Centreville Avenue with funds from the diocese in 1948. In Illinois, episcopal mansion goes on sale, with proceeds set to help families and pregnant mothers.

The Frankenstein-ish march through science and bioethics

When English author Mary Shelley published her novel Frankenstein in 1818, the world saw her lead character, scientist Victor Frankenstein, for what he was: a wildly misguided and sinister researcher whose work would upset the […]

Blessed Thomas Tsugi, martyr

Thomas Tsugi was born around the year 1571 in Japan, to a wealthy family of Japanese nobility. Educated by the priests of the Society of Jesus at Arima, he joined the order while quite young, around 1588. As a Jesuit, Thomas traveled Japan and became very popular as an eloquent and persuasive preacher. Thomas was […]

Day 250: Final Wave of Exile (2022)

Fr. Mike expands on our reading today from Proverbs about the need to guard our speech toward one another. In Jeremiah, we see the final wave of destruction of Jerusalem and the events that followed. Today’s readings are Jeremiah 39-40, Judith 10-11, and Proverbs 17:9-12. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The […]