Chicago Rosary Rally Assaulted

Since February 2022, Cardinal Blase Cupich’s restrictions on the Latin Mass have severely harmed the liturgical life of Catholics in the archdiocese of Chicago, and even led to the complete cancellation of Masses and Confessions at the Shrine of Christ the King. In response, Catholics from around Chicagoland have been coming together once a month […]

Caution for the Ukraine Discussion

Above: St. Nicholas Monastery in Mukachevo, Ukraine. Editor’s note: reminder in November to pray for the dead of the Ukraine Crisis. Back in July, OnePeterFive published two articles pertaining to Russia and some mistaken notions we might have of her. The first, Solzhenitsyn on NATO, Ukraine, & Putin, published July 21, authored by Dr. Edmund […]

Christian Russia and the Western “Errors of Russia”

Above: St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Kiev. It is providential that Mr. Carter should use the term ‘myopic’ to describe some American Traditionalist views on Russia, as it unintentionally led me to see the greater depth and magnitude of the issue, cutting across decades and centuries from both Russia’s defenders and critics. My goal is simple but wrought […]

A Deacon’s Plea to Bishop Browne of Kerry, Ireland

Editor’s note: this message with a redacted version of the linked column was sent to the diocese of Kerry on November 8th intended by the author for His Excellency, Bishop Browne. We publish this now as an open letter with permission.    Author’s preface: when, on 30 October, in Ireland, Father Sean Sheehy preached an […]

Russian Errors in Bolshevism, Vatican II and Schism

Above: Coronation celebrations. Entrance of Nicholas II to the Kremlin. May 9, 1896. In this third and last installment, we tackle the real errors of Russia as they led to the deadly Revolution that masked and obscured her and the parallels with the other revolutionary event mid-century known as the Second Vatican Council. In addition, […]

Post-Election: the Law of Politics is the Salvation of Souls

This past Tuesday, American Catholics – and all of those fighting for the rights for the lives of the unborn – were dealt another setback with the loss of 5 constitutional Amendments to safeguard the unborn in Montana, Kentucky, Vermont, Michigan, and California. This is similar to what happened in 2020 when the US Supreme […]

USCCB to Vote on Corrupt Candidate Next Week

Above: Chancery of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, in Washington, D.C. Ten prelates have been nominated for president and vice president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), positions that will be filled during the upcoming Bishops Fall General Assembly, which takes place next week starting November 14. Among the leading contenders, many of […]

Vatican II and the American Deep State

Above: US government officials with Catholic president John F. Kennedy. Before he died, Robert Blair Kaiser, Time magazine reporter at the Vatican II Council, told me that the reporters were “participant-observers to influence the schemas.” This was part of a worldwide assault on Catholic doctrine, noticed years before, and Vatican II provided an opportunity for […]

A Moment of Christendom: the St. Louis Patronal Procession

Above: Patronal Festivity in Saint Louis, Missouri, 2022 On August 25th, my alarm clock rang at 3:45 a.m. The previous evening, we chant enthusiasts had parted with the words, “Tenebrae et Matutinum” (dark and early). With solemn vespers, we had ushered in the third annual Festival of Saint Louis, a liturgical whirlwind in honor of […]