Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Tough News

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Texas to execute man for killing ex-girlfriend and her son

HOUSTON — A Texas inmate seeking to stop his execution over claims of religious freedom violations and indifference to his medical needs is scheduled to die Wednesday evening for killing his pregnant ex-girlfriend and her 7-year-old son more than 17 years ago. Stephen Barbee, 55, is scheduled to receive a lethal injection at the state […]

Virginia bishop mourns loss of life in shooting, decries ongoing violence

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia — The Catholic bishop of Richmond decried the Nov. 13 fatal shooting of three football players at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, urging everyone to pray for the victims, their families and the entire university community. Once again, the country is mourning “the loss of human lives due to an act of […]

Papal nuncio urges U.S. bishops to stay true to church’s mission

BALTIMORE — In his Nov. 15 address to the U.S. bishops at their annual fall assembly in Baltimore, the papal nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, emphasized the need to remain focused on the church’s missionary role of spreading the Gospel message. This is particularly important “as we live through a time of accelerated change,” he said. […]

Bishops take up twin documents on anointing of the sick

BALTIMORE — The U.S. bishops agreed to consider revised texts, in both English and Spanish, for the anointing of the sick. “The Order of the Anointing of the Sick and Their Pastoral Care,” submitted by the bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship, was introduced during the bishops’ general meeting. The committee also introduced the document’s Spanish-language […]