Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Feast of St. Albert the Great

St. Albert was from Swabia. He was a great lord through his origins, but the title of great comes to him because of his marvelous knowledge. He was called the Philosopher. Entering the Dominican Order at a young age, under Master Jordan of Saxony, St. Albert studied in Cologne. There he also learned to live […]

El Greco’s Jewel

Sacred art could not fail to strive to represent the features of the Holy Face. The Incarnation of the Word of God, this unique historical fact which saw Christ inhabit this earth and travel it for 33 years, makes it possible to restore His holy humanity, inseparable from His divine person. Domínikos Theotokópoulos, known as […]

884: Red Wave Failed…Is there any hope? [Podcast]

Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: Or listen to the audio mp3 here: Order Taylor Marshall’s new book: Antichrist and Apocalypse Follow this link to order Taylor’s Best Selling book: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within Check out Patreon Patron Benefits for Donating to Dr Taylor Marshall’s Show! All these […]

885: Are US Catholic Bishops Financing Enemies of Christ [Podcast]

Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: Or listen to the audio mp3 here: Order Taylor Marshall’s new book: Antichrist and Apocalypse Follow this link to order Taylor’s Best Selling book: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within Check out Patreon Patron Benefits for Donating to Dr Taylor Marshall’s Show! All these […]

BANNED: Kansas City bishop barred unmasked Catholic woman from churches, buildings

Bishop James V. Johnston Jr. of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, banned faithful Catholic parishioner Jane Bernardel for “refusing to mask” in a parish church during the lockdowns, even accusing her of violence. Civil authorities have dropped all charges against Bernardel, but Bishop Johnston’s persecution has not stopped. LifeSiteNews senior correspondent Jim Hale […]