Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Pleads for Peace, Internal Discord Continues and German Bishops Defiant

(Clockwise from Left) The Holy Father attends a prayer meeting at the Church of the Sacred Heart during his November visit to the Islamic country of Bahrain. Francis greets Alona Verbytska, plenipotentiary adviser to the president of Ukraine, Oct. 1 at the Vatican. Francis meets with leaders of Canada’s First Nations at the Church of […]

Pro-Life Heroes: The Road That Led to the End of Roe

Wikimedia Commons/Steve Sanchez Marjorie Dannenfelser of SBA Pro-Life, Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, Attorney General of Mississippi Lynn Fitch. YEAR IN REVIEW: The most significant news event in 2022 was 50 years in the making.

Catacombs, Capitulation and the Catholic Church in China

Book cover of Cardinal Joseph Zen’s ‘For Love of My People I Will Not Remain Silent’ Cardinal Zen, former Bishop of Hong Kong, has been a frontline soldier for the Church Militant in its spirited resistance to the secular fundamentalism of Chinese communism.