Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Holy Spirit descends on a high school wrestling meet in South Dakota

If you would have asked me ahead of time, my hunch—fair or not—would have been that a gymnasium filled with wrestlers’ parents and fans, particularly in the western reaches of rural South Dakota, would not have a lot of empathy and patience for needy little creatures threatening to disrupt their earnest games.

Francis to Honor Benedict With Papal Burial

VATICAN CITY ( – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s funeral service will be marked by full papal honors granted at the behest of Pope Francis, senior officials in the Vatican bureaucracy have suggested. Pope Francis meeting Benedict XVI in August “It is clear that the Holy Father will ask that Benedict XVI’s funeral be like that of […]

Tate vs. Thunberg — Enders Reacts

Joe Enders reacts to things in internet culture, including a Twitter thread with Andrew Tate and Greta Thunberg, controversy about Christmas, and a tweet from Elon Musk. Please make a donation below!

‘The Devil and Bella Dodd’

  Your browser does not support the video tag. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT The first-ever biographical book about former communist agent Bella Dodd is now available for purchase. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Nick Wylie discusses the woman who helped communists infiltrate seminaries.  Paul Kengor, Ph.D., executive director, Institute for Faith & Freedom: […]

Confucius Envy

Reactionaries in the United States look to China for inspiration