Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A New Catholic Faith for Children to Abandon

Above: a blessing service as part of a day of action in defiance to the Vatican’s ruling on same-sex unions in the Youth Church in Wurzburg, Germany, on Monday, May 10th. I am picturing a small French-speaking Saskatchewan village in the 1930s. It is perhaps disingenuous to shrug one’s shoulders and simply declare that times are […]

4th Sunday after Epiphany: Love in the swamp

For this 4th Sunday after Epiphany the Vetus Ordo gives us the ultra-dramatic Gospel scene of the Apostles with the Lord in a boat being swamped by the waves during a great storm on the Sea of Galilee. The Lord was asleep.  That’s the Gospel for Sunday.  But this year I’m writing about the first […]

Why growth is holy

A Reflection for Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time, by Molly Cahill

The grace of growing old

It is easy to think of older people as always having existed in their current condition. Does it make us feel younger to think that way? More superior? Perhaps we hope it holds our own mortality at bay.