Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A Tale of Two Student Protests

Many First Things readers are no doubt sadly aware of the disgusting treatment of federal judge Kyle Duncan at Stanford Law School last week. Duncan was visiting campus to give a lecture sponsored by the Stanford Federalist Society. But his talk was disrupted by students who heckled him for his rulings on LGBT issues. Not […]

St. Patrick’s Day Tunes

We are pleased to offer you a smattering of Irish tunes for the feast of St. Patrick. Whether or not our daily deeds are as grueling as St. Patrick’s, there’s nothing like good music to put the sun back in the sky. You will hardly find a melody more pleasant to the ear or rhythmic […]

Brazilian bishops accused by traditionalists of politicizing Lenten campaign

SÃO PAULO – Since the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) announced that hunger was the theme of its 2023 Fraternity Campaign – a Lenten drive to collect funds for Catholic social works – Traditionalist Catholics have been accusing it of perverting the true significance of the penitential season with left-wing politics. Fraternity Campaigns […]

Sri Lanka cardinal calls for elections amidst ongoing economic crisis

MUMBAI, India – Sri Lanka’s Catholic cardinal is calling on the government to resign and elections to be called amid an ongoing economic crisis. Sri Lankan health, railway, port and other state workers were on a daylong strike Wednesday to protest against sharp increases in income taxes and electricity charges, as the island nation awaits […]

‘A country in ruins’: Vatican newspaper notes 12th anniversary of Syrian civil war (L’Osservatore Romano (Italian))

On March 15—the 12th anniversary of the beginning of the Syrian civil war—L’Osservatore Romano devoted its most prominent front-page coverage to the profound suffering there. The newspaper highlighted the recent earthquake, the recruitment of child soldiers, a high inflation rate and a 90% poverty rate, widespread hunger and lack of electricity, and the effects of […]

Pope appoints new Secretary of Dicastery for Evangelization (Vatican News)

Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu, 62, as the Secretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization’s Section for First Evangelization and the New Particular Churches. A native of Nigeria and a Vatican diplomat, Archbishop Nwachukwu has represented the Holy See at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, since 2019. Under the 2022 reform of the […]

Papal message to Latin American congress on abuse prevention (Vatican News)

Abuse remains a “”clear and present danger” to the faithful, and poorer dioceses must establish reporting systems, Pope Francis said in a message to the 2nd Latin American congress on abuse prevention. The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors offered Twitter coverage of the conference.

Photo Exhibit: ‘Ukraine, Stories of Resistance’

The Embassies of the United States, Ukraine, and Poland to the Holy See, in partnership with the Polish Institute of Rome, will present a photo exhibit showing the toll Russia’s invasion has taken on ordinary Ukrainians. Read all