March 30, 2023

Billboard Campaign to Defend TLM Posters citing past pontiffs on Old Rite debut across Rome. FULL STORY Cardinal Promotes Homosexuality Papal ally plugs sodomy, female ordination to the priesthood. FULL STORY Gay German Group Petitions Pope Publicly demands change in Church teaching on homosexuality. FULL STORY French Bishops Oppose Euthanasia Promote better palliative care instead of assisted suicide. FULL STORY Scottish […]

Faith with Fangs

TRANSCRIPT   The Catholic identity has been so watered down throughout the West that, with rare exceptions, virtually no Catholics have any sense of duty to the Church, to Christ. In fact, the very opposite is often encouraged by the clergy. And at the very least, there’s no other message Catholics could reasonably conclude other than, there’s no big […]

Home education: seeking first the Kingdom of God

Many home-educating parents tell of a series of signs that led them to take the plunge and begin to school their children. It is my hope that this article will be one such ‘sign’ for families who are hovering on the brink of making that life-changing, life-enhancing decision.

Looking Ahead to the Resurrection

Duccio di Buoninsegna, “The Raising of Lazarus,” ca. 1310-1311 Here is the deepest truth of the human heart: that we are made for God, and that without him we shall surely perish, falling into a nothingness from which there is no escape.