The Devil Does NOT Want You Seeing This Movie

Church Militant is joined by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, the directors of Nefarious, and Fr. Carlos Martins, an exorcist. The group discusses the spiritual battle they have undergone by making the movie and the wake-up call it should be for all viewers.

Demons Targeted the Creators of the ‘Nefarious’ Movie

Today’s Vortex features an interview with the Catholic creators of the psychological thriller Nefarious and the exorcist who advised them. This episode may be disturbing to some viewers, as it discusses demonic possession as well as diabolical attacks on the movie’s cast and crew.

Does Archbishop Paglia illustrate the “lessness” of Francis?

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia is clearly one of the worst of those bishops who are so highly favored by Pope Francis, and his continued favor amply demonstrates what we can only call the Pope’s “lessness”—that is, either “recklessness” or “fecklessness”. It would require supernatural insight to speak of “faithlessness”, but it does not take a supernatural […]

Easter and the reality check about sin and salvation…

“Humankind cannot bear very much reality,” as the poet T.S. Eliot put it in a line that’s become famous because it’s true. I’d add to it, “especially not too much reality about ourselves,” because, like, well, just look at yourself. Coming to the end of Easter season, I’m thinking of the two ways of seeing […]