Why We Linger on Mary in the Rosary

The Christian people have always loved Mary with a love especially reserved for her, and it was not a good omen when Christians thought of severing their bond to Mary in order to honor the Son. Who is Mary? Let us say it as simply as it can possibly be said: she is the woman […]

Dating as a Practicing Catholic

Dating as a practicing Catholic in the world today is not an easy feat, and although there are rewards in living out our faith authentically, there are definitely challenges. One of the beautiful aspects of our Catholic faith is the tradition of courtship and dating that, Godwilling, leads us to a deep and meaningful relationship […]

The Art of Easter: The Good Shepherd

Viewing and pondering sacred art, engaging in vizio divina, offers the faithful a great way to meditate more deeply on the life of Jesus Christ and the mystery of salvation. This series of articles will highlight several pieces of art related to the glorious Easter season, with specific attention to Scripture readings. Each of these […]

The Catholic Church Has Lost Its Heritage | The Best of ‘Vortex’

Today’s Vortex features a look back to January 2013, following the Vatican’s efforts to recoup the losses inflicted upon the Church by secularists and cultural Marxists. Today, the Church’s failure to promote Catholic identity has come to a head — proving its damage-control efforts have, unfortunately, failed.