7 Liturgical Lessons From King Charles’ Coronation

Yui Mok An anointing screen is erected for Britain’s King Charles III during the Coronation Ceremony inside Westminster Abbey in central London on May 6, 2023. COMMENTARY: Although an Anglican liturgy, the solemn service May 6 featured facets Catholics can pay attention to.

St. Gregory Nazianzen on the Conduct of Married Women

From Butler’s Lives of the Saints In his parænetic poem to St. Olympias he (ie. St. Gregory Nazianzen) lays down excellent rules for the conduct of married women. Among other precepts he says: “In the first place, honor God; then respect your husband as the eye of your life; for he is to direct your […]

Recovering Authentic Christianity From the Ashes

TRANSCRIPT   As you might imagine, given the work we do here at Church Militant (thanks to your continuing support for it), we come across lots of people of goodwill who simply haven’t heard the glory of Catholicism expounded in any meaningful way. Every now and then, we run into spurts, if you will, where we are heavily […]