Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Exploring the Mysteries of the Magi…

“Wise men” is a common translation in English Bibles, but it doesn’t give us a good idea who they were. The Greek word used here is magoi, the plural of magos. These terms may be more familiar from their Latin equivalents: in St. Jerome’s Vulgate, we read that magi came from the east; an individual […]

The Holy Trinity and the Throne of Mercy

Taddeo Crivelli, “The Trinity,” ca. 1460-1470 SCRIPTURES & ART: ‘Before I come as the just judge,’ said Jesus to St. Faustina, ‘I am coming first as the King of Mercy’

Pope Francis discusses faith, world issues on Italian TV

Pope Francis appears on a weekly religious programme of the RAI, Italy’s public broadcaster, which was recorded on 27 May and broadcast a week later. The Pope offered his thoughts on world challenges and social issues, encouraging all to pray and find strength in their faith. Read all