Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Block out the internet noise, Jesus is the only voice you need

Ascetics were on to something. With the saturation of talking heads, social media influencers, political commentators, and a plethora of “experts,” the noise is deafening. I can now appreciate the motivation of 12th-century hermits who sought the solitude and quietness of Mt. Carmel in the Holy Land. They had shelter, Scripture, other holy books, and […]

Indian bishops protest harassment of church-run child care centers

MUMBAI – Both the bishops’ conference in India and a child care facility have protested what they describe as a pattern of government harassment of church-run centers for children, under the pretext of enforcing India’s anti-conversion laws. In a May 31 statement released by Archbishop Felix Machado of Vasai, secretary of the conference, the bishops […]

Senegal bishops urge ‘reason and restraint’ amid spiral of political violence

YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon – Catholic bishops in the overwhelmingly Muslim west African nation of Senegal have called for “reason, restraint and responsibility” amid a mounting spiral of political violence. At least 15 people have died in that violence over the last few days, according to national authorities. It broke out when opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was […]

An update on our friend in need, and an invitation to keep helping

Recently we’ve been promoting an online fundraising campaign in support of Crux’s managing editor, Charley Collins, and his wife and children. Charley is experiencing a serious health crisis, and he and his family desperately need our help. To date, almost 450 people have contributed, generating just over £30,000 (Charley and his family live in the […]

Social media is so toxic to kids that it has its own surgeon general’s warning?

Hindsight is not actually 20/20, although it is a perspective that has a different vantage than the present moment. Sometimes its power is exaggerated, such as the notion that we can judge things based on mercurial concepts such as being on the “right side of history.” Of course, history is no impartial judge, nor are […]