Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Failure is part of life—even for the church

It can take a lot of failure to get to success. When I think back on the things I failed at in my life, I see that the failures either taught me a hard lesson or nudged me forward on a better path.

June 13, 2023

Bishops to Vote on Mutilation US bishops mull trans operations in directives for Catholic hospitals. FULL STORY England Curtails Puberty Blockers for Minors National Health Service announced move Friday. FULL STORY Catholic Church to Host Pride Event Irish parish will have ecumenical service featuring gay activists. FULL STORY Abortion Giant’s Annual Report Planned Parenthood’s killing biz still strong. FULL STORY Like Father, […]

New book on evolution of Vatican communication premieres

A new book on Vatican media outreach has just been published. The volume in Italian, entitled ‘From the Council to the Web. Vatican Communication and the Turning Point of Reform’, is by Angelo Scelzo who possessed key roles in Vatican communication for decades. Read all