Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

St. John Francis Regis, SJ

Born in Fontcouverte, France, on January 31, 1597,Jean-François Régis was the son of a rich merchant. He studied at the Jesuit college of Béziers, joined the order in 1615, and was ordained in 1631. He was assigned to missionary work in southeastern France and became renowned for his fervor, preaching ability, and as a confessor. […]

The Catholic Distance University Turns 40

Forty years ago, Marianne Evans Mount had a bright idea. Why not a Catholic correspondence course in religious education? Four decades later, that idea has grown into a fully accredited, degree-granting institution—the Catholic Distance University—with an international student body, expanding curriculum, and big plans for the future. “We bring education directly to the learner,” Dr. […]

Jesus the Shepherd-King

Today, Jesus sees a crowd following him that moves him to pity.  Why? Gospel (Read Mt 9:16-10:8) As Jesus was making his way through the villages of Galilee, St. Matthew tells us that “at the sight of the crowds, Jesus’ heart was moved with pity for them.”  This is a rare description of emotion stirring […]

Into the Alphabet Soup

It seems that hardly a day goes by that another major corporation doesn’t pop up with some amazing demonstration of its commitment to the LGBTIQA+ agenda. InBev, owner of Anheuser Busch brand Current star of this phenomenon is Anheuser Busch – InBev, the beer company behind the Budweiser brand. Anheuser, formerly a U.S. company headquartered… […]

Christ’s Sacred Heart: Bringing order out of chaos

On June 17, the day after this year’s celebration of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, it will have been one hundred years since the laying of the cornerstone of Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, […]